On July 8th the hubs and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary! I still can't believe it has been 3 years! It has just flown by and it really has been great. Of course there are the ups and downs of marriage and living with the opposite sex, but through it all we've made it and are closer than we have ever been. I am pretty sure I caught the best fish in the sea, and I am so lucky! He is so supportive, loving, and does much more than I do around the house and the yard! Ecspecially lately since I have been sick he basically has picked up all the chores and does them without a complaint and smiles the whole time! He is the best. He works so hard at his job to provide us with such a nice life. So basically he is the whole package and then some:-D
We were able to celebrate our anniversary camping in our new trailer! It was so much fun! We started in Idaho camping with my family and then headed to Bear Lake. It was so much fun and I had forgotten how beautiful Bear Lake was. We rode four wheelers, swam, went to Minnetonka Cave, went to an ice cave, had some yummy dinners, spent time with the Capron's and Shepherd's,played games, roasted marshmallows, and just spent time together. One of the highlights of the trip was we went to the Pickleville Playhouse and saw The Hanging of El Bandito. Ok, so first off my husband doesn not really like plays, I am pretty sure he agreed to this because I love plays however this play was HILARIOUS! He laughed harder than I did and it was the best play I have seen in a long time! Seriously if you get a chance to get down there check it out! It was awesome! I didn't take my camera with me very much and only got a few pictures. But we had a blast and we hope to get some more camping in! We loved it even our little Shiloh had a great time!!