Friday, March 28, 2008

OuR LiTtLe sHiLoH!

This is our little baby girl Shiloh. I thought I'd post about her, since the people with kids post about their kids I should post about mine right?! We adopted her about 8 months ago from a family that just couldn't give her the attention she needed. She has been the perfect pet and I wouldnt give her up for anything! It so funny how animals personalitys reflect those of their owners and her's fits us to a T. She is also a FrIsBeE playing BaLl playing addict!During Hawaii we have to board her and I know I'm going to cry when I leave her! HAHA PaThEtIc I know! But anyways here are a few pics of our "BaBy"!

Friday, March 14, 2008

WeEkEnD gEtAwAy WiTh My TwO bEsT fRiEnDs!

Each year around the spring time my mom, grandma and I go on a weekend getaway. We always go to Logan. It sounds really strange but its close and for my grandma that works best. But we shop until we drop, eat way to much and have SO much fun! Here are a few picks of our little weekend! We went March 7th-9th!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

MaSsAgE sChOoL!

Well its official! I am now a student at Ogden Institute of Massage Therapy! Orientation was on Monday and my first class was yesterday! I'm really excited! I was the one that thought massage therapy would be somewhat easy WRONG! We had our first anatomy class last night and WOW I have alot to learn but am ready and excited. It is one year long and I go Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights from 6:00pm-10:00pm and then starting in June I go on Saturdays for a few hours for the student clinics! I'm sure its going to go really fast I just need to learn to balance my life and schedule! My poor husband will have to CoOk for himself....hope he survives:-D No he'll do great he has been super supportive and is cleaning, cooking, and doing laundry already to help me out! I've got a keeper thats for sure! Anyways thats the scoop on whats going on in my life right now! XOXO

Thursday, March 6, 2008!

So my friends husband mentioned this website to me and I'm totally hooked on it now! It's what I listen to at work now! So if your ever just home and want to listen to GOOD music of your choice and NO commercials this is the website to go to! You can type in the artists you like or the songs you like and it just starts playing those songs and songs like those! Its awesome! I know most people do the Ipod thing, but if you dont have one or dont want to use that keep this site in mind! So check it out!