Monday, March 29, 2010
2 MoNtHs?!?!

Posted by MoRgAn! at 5:06 PM 6 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Time Flies When Your Havin Fun
WOW! I have not posted since February 5 I am sure my small club of blog followers are just so upset about this :-P! Time has gone by to quickly and we are having so much fun spending time with our sweet little girl!! Our little Maiyah will be 2 months old on the 28th of this month and she is growing like crazy!! I can't even believe how fast time goes! They say to love every minute of it because it goes by fast and they are NOT kidding! I look at pictures of when we first brought her home and it is crazy how much she has changed! Here are a few fun things about her:
*She smiles and giggles SO much in her sleep! She will giggle so loud she will wake herself up. But while she is awake we've only captured a handful of smiles....I can't wait until they start happening more!!
*She loves loves to ride in the car
*She is a BiNkY BaBy and is constantly sucking on that thing!
*She is basically sleeping through the night!!
*All she needs if she wakes up in the night is to feel her mommy or daddys hand on her belly and she goes right back to sleep
*She has the strongest neck and can sit for a long time holding her neck up all by herself.
*She has the longest fingers and the longest toes! We call them her MoNkEy ToEs
*She loves her baths! I think she would stay in the water all day if she could
*She loves to sleep on her daddys chest
*When she sleeps she almost always has her hands up by her chin in a folded prayer looking position
*She is the biggest wiggle worm, ecspecially during the night
*She is so sweet and we just love her so much!! She is also very loved by her Nana and Papa and all her Uncles! I think the longest she has gone without one of them coming to visit her is....2 days:-D We love all the visits! She is also so very loved by her "Vegas Family" she was loved on by her Grandma and Aunts when they came down to meet her and come to her blessing! she is just one loved girl!
Here are a few pics of her 1st month:On March 7 we blessed our sweet little angel, it was such a great day! We had so many friends and family come out to show their support and love. We are so blessed with such amazing people in our lives!
Posted by MoRgAn! at 1:47 PM 7 comments
Friday, February 5, 2010
LoVe at FiRsT SiGhT!!
He was so amazing through the whole process!!!!!
Posted by MoRgAn! at 5:13 PM 11 comments
Sunday, December 27, 2009
PrEgO bElLy PiCs
Well here they are, my maternity pictures! I am so happy with the way they turned out. It was really weird to have my big ol' belly exposed but my photographer, Miss Ali Lundell, did a great job! They will be fun picctures to look back on to see when our sweet little baby girl was still baking in the oven! I can't believe how close we are getting to having her here! It seems like just yesterday we were telling friends and family we were expecting! now we are basically a month away, CRAZY! I have enjoyed pregnancy for the most part, my back has been causing me major problems but when I feel her moving around it makes all the pain worthwhile. I can't believe that God has given us this amazing blessing to be able to raise a child. We truly feel blessed and priveleged. We are both so excited and are just counting down the days until our special delivery gets here.
Posted by MoRgAn! at 8:02 AM 5 comments
Saturday, December 12, 2009
WOWOWW!! It has been awhile! Seriously life is just flying right on by! Here is a long update, feel free to read if you would like. Well I will just start where I left off last blog post! That was a long time ago so here it goes!

Posted by MoRgAn! at 1:12 PM 5 comments